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SUMAC 2023 : 5th ACM International workshop on analySis, Understanding and proMotion of heritAge Contents

Call for Papers
SUMAC 2023 : 5th ACM International workshop on analySis, Understanding and proMotion of heritAge Contents
Advances in machine learning, signal processing, multimodal techniques and human-machine interaction
29 Oct - 3 Nov, 2023
Ottawa, Canada
In conjunction with ACM Multimedia 2023
The ambition of SUMAC is to bring together researchers and practitioners from different disciplines to share ideas and methods on current trends in the analysis, understanding and promotion of heritage contents. These challenges are reflected in the corresponding sub-fields of machine learning, signal processing, multi-modal techniques and human-machine interaction. We welcome research contributions for the following (but not limited to) topics :
Information retrieval for multimedia heritage
Automated archaeology and heritage data processing
Multi-modal deep learning and time series analysis for heritage data
Heritage modeling, visualization, and virtualization
Smart digitization and reconstruction of heritage data
Open heritage data and bench-marking
The scope of targeted applications is extensive and includes : Analysis, archaeometry of artifacts
Diagnosis and monitoring for restoration and preventive conservation
Geosciences / Geomatics for cultural heritage
Smart and sustainable tourism
Urban planning
Digital Twins
*** Keynote speakers
Mario Santana Quintero (Professor at Carleton University, Ottawa ; Secretary-General of International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) ; Board member of the World Heritage Interpretation and Presentation Centre, UNESCO ; Honorary president of the ICOMOS Scientific Committee on Heritage Documentation (CIPA)) : talk on Opportunities and Challenges in digitally transforming World Heritage at 50+ years.
Victor de Boer (Associate professor, User-Centric Data Science group at the Computer Science department of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam ; Senior research fellow at Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision ; Co-director of the Cultural AI Lab) : talk on Knowledge Graphs for Cultural Heritage and Digital Humanities.
*** Important dates (AoE)
Paper submission : July 24, 2023
Author acceptance notification : August 9, 2023
Camera-Ready : August 12, 2023
Workshop date : TBA (29 Oct - 3 Nov, 2023)
*** Special Highlights
Best Paper Award : following tradition, SUMAC 2023 will also be awarding a best paper award, accompanied with a certificate and a trophy.
Journal Special Issue : authors of the best papers from SUMAC 2023 will be invited to submit an extended and improved version for consideration for Special Issue on Cultural Heritage in the Springer journal Multimedia Tools and Applications.
*** Submission guidelines : see website
*** Organizers
Valerie Gouet-Brunet (LaSTIG Lab / IGN - Gustave Eiffel University, France)
Ronak Kosti (Picsart AI Research Lab, Germany)
Li Weng (Zhejiang Financial College, China)
Workshop :
Main conference :