3rd workshop on Structuring and Understanding of Multimedia heritAge Contents
The 3rd workshop on Structuring and Understanding of Multimedia heritAge Contents
In conjunction with ACM Multimedia 2021
20 October 2020
Chengdu, China
Workshop : https://sumac-workshops.github.io/2021/
Conference : https://2021.acmmm.org
*** Aims and scope
The digitization of large quantities of analogue data and the massive production of born-digital documents for many years now provide us with large volumes of varied multimedia data (images, maps, text, video, multi-sensor data, etc.), an important feature of which is that they are cross-domain. "Cross-domain" reflects the fact that these data may have been acquired in very different conditions : different acquisition systems, times and points of view. These data represent an extremely rich heritage that can be exploited in a wide variety of fields, from Social Sciences and Humanities to land use and territorial policies, including smart city, urban planning, smart tourism and culture, creative media and entertainment. In terms of research in computer science, they address challenging problems related to the diversity and volume of the media across time, the variety of content descriptors (potentially including the time dimension), the veracity of the data, and the different user needs with respect to engaging with this rich material and the extraction of value out of the data. These challenges are reflected in various research topics such as multimodal and mixed media search, automatic content analysis, multimedia linking and recommendation, and big data analysis and visualization, where scientific bottlenecks may be exacerbated by the time dimension, which also provides topics of interest such as multimodal time series analysis.
The objective of the third edition is to present and discuss the latest and most significant trends in the analysis, structuring and understanding of multimedia contents dedicated to the valorization of heritage, with the emphasis on enabling access to the big data of the past. We welcome research contributions for the following (but not limited to) topics :
Multimedia and cross-domain data interlinking and recommendation
Dating and spatialization of historical data
Mixed media data access and indexing
Deep learning in adverse conditions (transfer learning, learning with side information, etc.)
Multi-modal time series analysis, evolution modeling
Multi-modal & multi-temporal data rendering
Heritage - Building Information Modeling, Art
HCI / Interfaces for large-scale datasets
Smart digitization of massive quantities of data
Bench-marking, Open Data Movement
Generative modeling of cultural heritage
*** Important dates
Paper submission (6-8 pages + references) : 30 July 2021 (11:59 p.m. AoE)
Author acceptance notification : 26 August 2021
Camera-Ready : 2 September 2021
Workshop date : 20 October 2021
*** Two great keynote speakers
Jon Hardeberg (Professor at the Computer Science Department of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway) : talk on Analyzing CHANGE in cultural heritage objects through images.
Mathieu Aubry (Senior researcher, Imagine team, LIGM lab, ?Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, France) : talk on Deep Learning for Historical Data Analysis.
*** Organizers
Valerie Gouet-Brunet (LaSTIG Lab / IGN - Gustave Eiffel University, France)
Margarita Khokhlova (Fujitsu France)
Ronak Kosti (Pattern Recognition Lab / FAU Erlangen-Nurnberg, Germany)
Li Weng (Hangzhou Dianzi University, China)
Looking forward to seeing you in Chengdu (virtually or not) !
The workshop organizers